Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Updated lost list!

Jane M. Adams
Carlos Amante
Joe Amante
Jean Anderson
Samuel Austin
Jeffrey Bott
Cheryl Bender
Paul Blakely
Bernice Blodgett
Sherri Bouman
Tom Brock
Linda Brooks Morrissey
Tony Brooks
Doug Brown
Tim Brown
Timothy Cage
Jonathon Cannon
Cindy Carey
Brian Carter
Shirley Carter
Alisa Childrey
Matthew Cohen, Jr.
Regina Collins
Angela Davis
James Decker
Kathleen Dewey
David DeYoung
Antonio Dukes
Edward Dykstra
Lee Earles
Evelyn Edwards
Wayne Edwards
Kenneth Elliot
Rosemary Ernst
Kamilee Evans
Janet Fierick
Suzette Floyd
Michael Forbes
Cameron Foster
Lashele Fox
Theodore Friend
Diane Fuller
Tammy Gill 
Wilma Glover
Gayle Grady
Ed Grant
Harold Guyton, Jr.
Kimberly Hall
Laura Lynn Hannett
Randy Hesser
Scott Hodsdon
Sandra Holloway Cole
Marika Joy Howland
John Irwin
Cora Jansma
Shelia Jeffries
Charlotte Denise Johnson
Obie Johnson
Patricia T. Johnson
Susan Kerastas
Dixie King
Jacqueline Lee
Mike Liggins
Lettie Mahone
Rose Matthews
Carla Mayberry Holliman
James Miller
David Moore
John Newton
Hemen Nyamor
Kim Otterbacher
Dorothy Patterson
Alison Patterson
Margaret Anne Perry
Michelle Pertilla
Doug Petersen
Dwayne Petersen
Lula Reed
Dan Reeves
Rololfo Reyes
Lydia Robinson
Miguel Rodriguez
Shirline Sallie
Sylvia Shaw
Mark Sheley
Karen Smith
Monica Smith
Jerry Snow
Ron Spearman
Mark Standley
David Stewart
Karen Strickland
Linda Stuit
Tyrone Talbert
Joanne Taylor
Sheila Taylor
Tawana Thomas
Amelia Toledo
Marta Toledo  
Deborah Truszowski
Dennis Tucker
Tracy Tuma
Dorothy Tutson
Ketty Vanegas
Priscilla Vasquez
Michael Vicari
Robert Walker
Joseph Walters
Daniel Wheeler
Kenneth White
Mary Wiersma
Gregory Williams
Michelle Williams
Sharon Williams
Patti Wilson
William Wilson
Michael Wither

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Lost List for Reunion 2015

Lost List--some are not lost, we just don't have reliable contact information for them.

Jane M. Adams
Carlos Amante
Joe Amante
Jean Anderson
Samuel Austin
Jeffrey Bott
Cheryl Bender
Paul Blakely
Bernice Blodgett
Sherri Bouman
Tom Brock
Linda Brooks Morrissey
Tony Brooks
Doug Brown
Tim Brown
Timothy Cage
Jonathon Cannon
Cindy Carey
Brian Carter
Shirley Carter
Alisa Childrey
Cynthia Clark Vandenberg
Michael Clark--on FB but need contact information
Matthew Cohen, Jr.
Regina Collins
Victor Cruz
Angela Davis
*James Decker
*Kathleen Dewey
David DeYoung
Antonio Dukes
Edward Dykstra
Lee Earles
Evelyn Edwards
Wayne Edwards
Kenneth Elliot
Rosemary Ernst
Kamilee Evans
Marcia Faber
Grishandra Farmer
Janet Fierick
Suzette Floyd
Michael Forbes
Cameron Foster
Lashele Fox
Theodore Friend
Diane Fuller
Tammy Gill 
Wilma Glover
Gayle Grady
Ed Grant
Harold Guyton, Jr.
Kimberly Hall
Laura Lynn Hannett
Randy Hesser
Scott Hodsdon
Sandra Holloway Cole
Marika Joy Howland
John Irwin
Cora Jansma
Shelia Jeffries
Charlotte Denise Johnson
Obie Johnson
Patricia T. Johnson
Susan Kerastas
Dixie King
Darla Yvonne Klekoda Hubbard-----on FB but not active
John Lazzar
Jacqueline Lee
Mike Liggins
Pamela Love-deceased
Lettie Mahone
Rose Matthews
Irene Mattaliano
Carla Mayberry Holliman
James Miller
David Moore
John Newton
Hemen Nyamor
Kim Otterbacher
Dorothy Patterson
Alison Patterson
Margaret Anne Perry
Michelle Pertilla
Doug Petersen
Dwayne Petersen
Lula Reed
Dan Reeves---on FB but need contact information
Rololfo Reyes
Lydia Robinson
Miguel Rodriguez
Shirline Sallie
Taina Salmia
Richard Schaeffer--found
Sylvia Shaw
Mark Sheley
Karen Smith
Michael Smith
Monica Smith
Nina Smith--have eamil address now
Jerry Snow
Ron Spearman
Mark Standley
David Stewart
Karen Strickland
Linda Stuit
Tyrone Talbert
Joanne Taylor
Sheila Taylor
Tawana Thomas
Summer Thomas Brown----On FB but need contact information
Mark Timmer
Amelia Toledo
Marta Toledo  
Deborah Truszowski
Dennis Tucker
Tracy Tuma
Dorothy Tutson
Leslie VanDeusen--found
Ketty Vanegas
Priscilla Vasquez
Laura Venneman
Robert Versluis
Michael Vicari
Robert Walker
Terrence Walker
Joseph Walters
Daniel Wheeler
Kenneth White
Mary Wiersma
Gregory Williams
Michelle Williams
Sandra Willis
Sharon Williams
Patti Wilson
William Wilson
Michael Witherspoon

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The more things change, the more they stay the same....

Do you remember: Star Trek, John Wayne, Kramer vs. Kramer, Sadie Hawkins, Uncle Norm, Iran, silver, American hostages, Calvin Klein jeans, Spirit, Mall Decorating Contest, Foreigner, 1941…Catholic Central 53, Ottawa Hills 56, The Muppet Movie, Rock with You, Mom McCarty, Winter Olympics, Quadrasonics, Rocky Horror Picture Show (yeah baby) Tony Tucker, 10, Tai and Randy, Mr. Steeby, Styk; Babe, Mellow 93, 13.9 percent inflation, Doc Donovan, Commodores, Still, Ted Kennedy, Docksiders, work sessions, OPEC, The Gambler, Mrs. Brunner, dollar a gallon gas, time warpin’

Kermit the Frog, Afghanistan, Coke Adds Life, Spring Break, DeeCees, ERA, Chemistry, Quarter Pounders with Cheese, James Doohan, Sweetheart Swirl, Barbra Streisand, Downtown Renovation, balanced budget, Legend Photographers, Olympic Boycott, Let it Begin with Us, Please Don’t Go, Cheap Trick

Bo Derek, John Belushi, D.H., Reb Tevye, James Earl Carter, Rocky II, The Shah of Iran, research papers, Michigan State, Boston, Don’t Look Back, Larry D., Burt Reynolds, pot, Maggie Thatcher, Fox 101, SALT II, the draft, Trilogy, Jimmy Durante, Close-Up, “houp, February 29, 27 M.P.G., Hockey City Champs, Physics, Saturday Night Live, Fiddler, Three Mile Island, disco, George Burns, Quiz bowl, Owls, real gold, Soviet Union, In-house Suspension, chewin’ tobacco, Mr. Shear, pin-striped suits, deadlines, Pep Club…

The Piña Colada Song, commitments, Mammoth caves, Morning Announcements, Reunited, Cheryl Ladd, football practice, Earth, Wind and Fire, farmers in Washington, Hagar the Horrible, gasahol, Sad Eyes, Uncle Duke in Iran, digital watches, Charlie’s Angels, the Sound and the Fury, custom vans, preppy shirts, Fun Week, racquetball, Coneheads, Seif’s smooth swimmers, strikes, Chrysler, velour, croppers, Chuck Mangione, Menochom Begin, Saturday Night Fiedler…

The Who concert, boofin’, the bottle bill, Ain’t No Stoppin' Us Now, Cambodia, Mork and Mindy, Christmas Bash, Press coverage, more boofin’, and Graduation…

These were just a handful of the people, places and events that made 1979 unique, and so special. As graduation passes, and we each go our own way, we’ve all promised to keep in touch. Things are different now, so somehow, I know we won’t, and maybe someday it won’t matter. But right now, it hurts, just a little…

Darlene Thwaites

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Work in Progress

Well here it is, the bare bones. I'll try to get some pics up, etc. We can use this as another way to try to fill in the gaps left by Facebook and Classmates. Comments are open to anyone. Let's start with "find a Classmate".

Here are several people on the "lost list". They may not really be lost but we don't have current information for them.

Patti Wilson
William Wilson
Michael Witherspoon
Julie Woolpert
Glen Zehr

If you have any information of how to get in touch with any of these people, please comment.